Once upon a time there was, there is and there always will be some one who wants to be King. Even if there is no country to be ruled.
This time this man gets the opportunity to travel abroad, to a country he gets the feeling about the inhabitants are in need of a new king. As good as a would be King has to be, he takes his Jester along.
Roaming the country is so fulfilling. In every town or village they visit, this Would-be King becomes more and more shure about the needs of the people he senses are trapped in their oldfashion ways of living. A grand vision starts growing inside of him. A vision, so devine pregnant of challenges, possibilities and reachable goals, that's this man can't keep it inside. He starts telling. Het starts lecturing. He starts preaching.
People are very impressedby the contours of a new world he paints before their eyes. No, he says, I am not talking about some other world. I am not talking about some heaven out of reach. No. No. No! I am talking about thìs country. I am talking about you people. You can do it. You can make my dream come true. Just let me be your king. Follow me.
This man starts walking and talking. He explains his ideas and the realisation of this ideas to his best friend, the Jester, who keeps on nodding, listening, digesting .
The Would-be King and his Jester, followed by believers, walk the whole the country. They travel to the horizon and even beyond. With every step a sparkling idea, a revised concept or a brand new system rises up from the dust, mingling with the Would-be King's words, till before their eyes this Kingdom of his starts to come true.
This makes him very happy. This makes him the King of the future. When finally there are no more words to be said he looks at his friend the Jester with questioning eyes.
What do you think? Will they follow me? He says.
Who? Asks the Jester and looks back.
Who? Asks the Jester and looks back.
The Would-be King turns around en all he sees is a long road winding through a empty landscape. No one else is around.
Where are they? Cries the King. How can I lead them into the best possible future, when they don't get to know my vision?

The people falling behind.
Don,t they want to ?
You are a King without people, the Jester says and leaves his King alone at the border of this country he doesn't own.
As soon as the Jester's bells stop singing, the King with no county starts moving.
If you see him walking, say hello to him. Ask hem after his dreams. Tell about your own. Maybe .... maybe ... you and he ... together you possibly can be the difference....
If you see him walking, say hello to him. Ask hem after his dreams. Tell about your own. Maybe .... maybe ... you and he ... together you possibly can be the difference....
(based on a Hodja &Tamurlane story)
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